Nehan-e 2025
Commemorating the Buddha's Nirvana
Sunday, February 16th, the El Paso Zen Center commemorated the Buddha’s passing, through the Nehan-e (Nirvana Day) ceremony. The usual Buddha statue was removed from the altar and replaced with the statue of the Buddha reclining on his deathbed. A print of one of the traditional paintings of the Buddha on his deathbed surrounded by his grieving disciples was also placed above the altar. Among other things, the ceremony included a reading from the Maha-Parinibbana Sutta of the Pali Canon that describes the Buddha’s passing, chanting of the Homage To The Buddha’s Relics, chanting of the Heart Sutra and a reading of the Nehan Offertory.

Rohatsu 2024
On Sunday, December 8th we concluded our week-long Rohatsu sesshin commemorating the Buddha's awakening. That morning three of our sangha members, Sabrina Shinka Montoya, Kathleen Myojo Mein and Maria Monshin Chacon (not shown), received the sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts in a Jukai ceremony. We congratulate each of them on their deep practice!

Obon / Dia de los Muertos 2024
On Sunday, October 27th we celebrated the traditional holiday of Obon combined with Dia de los Muertos, in which we honor the spirits of our departed Dharma and family ancestors. In the Sejiki-e ceremony we remember and call forth our ancestors, whose names are on cards placed on our altar. We also summon the spirits of the "hungry ghosts." Hungry ghosts are symbolic of the state of mind which is never satisfied with who we are or what we have. We call them into the light as well as all beings who are stuck in intermediary states such as the dark, unknown regions of our own psyches. We offer them the nourishment of Dharma with the hope of satisfying and releasing them.

Hanamatsuri 2024
Sunday, April 7th, we celebrated the Buddha's birth with the Hanamatsuri (Flower Festival) Ceremony. We commemorated the birth of the prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Gautama Buddha and taught what we now call Buddhism. All present bathed a statue of the baby Buddha with ama-cha, a sweet tea to welcome his teaching into our lives.

Nehan-e 2024
Commemorating the Buddha's Nirvana
Saturday, February 17th , as part of its monthly Zazenkai practice intensive, the El Paso Zen Center commemorated the Buddha’s passing, his nirvana, through the Nehan-e (Nirvana Day) ceremony. The usual Buddha statue was removed from the altar and replaced with the statue of the Buddha reclining on his deathbed. A print of one of the traditional paintings of the Buddha on his deathbed surrounded by his grieving disciples was also placed above the altar. Among other things, the ceremony included a reading from the Maha-Parinibbana Sutta of the Pali Canon that describes the Buddha’s passing, chanting of the Homage To The Buddha’s Relics, chanting of the Heart Sutra and a reading of the Nehan Offertory.

Hanamatsuri 2023